Friday, March 13, 2015

Sabah Snake Grass: Why Is It An Effective Alternative Cancer Treatment?

Sabah Snake Grass has been popular in Asia since the past few years due to its purported potency to deal with various serious diseases successfully. One of the diseases it can deal with is cancer, a disease that science finds difficult to remedy until today. Thus, this herb is considered as an effective alternative cancer treatment.

There have been news circulating in various news outlets in Asia, may they be printed or digital, that disseminate the reported benefits of this herb, based on actual human experiences. It triggers human curiosity, not just in entire Asia, but also in other geographical peripheries in the whole world. To make it clear, this article intends to provide facts, based on science and on the actual users’ experiences why this plant has been able to help a lot of people remedy their serious illnesses, most especially cancerous ones.
Why Sabah Snake Grass?

Clinacanthus nutans is the scientific name of this herb. This herbal plant has various names in Asia, like Indian Snake Grass for the people in India and Yu Xun Cao for the Chinese people. It is popularly known as Sabah Snake Grass, since it has been used by the people of Malaysia as a treatment to snake wounds or bites. Hence, the name itself Sabah (a place in Malaysia), snake (a name of a venomous reptile), and grass (a wild plant). But, from its cultural underpinning as part of the mythic or folkloric medicine in the orient to treat snake bites, it has elevated to a higher level, as people in this continent has had recognized its medicinal value to treating serious degenerative diseases.
Why Is It Effective?

There are scientific facts that a few scholars have had presented favorable to the contained essential nutrients and substances of SSG. One publication in the official website of explains the scholarly work of Ugenthira Gunasekaran, a student of the Department of Biological Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaysia.

These are the findings of Gunasekaran’s academic research on SSG:

Ø SSG is rich in flavonoids.
Ø This plant has essential minerals.
Ø It contains 17 amino acids.
Ø It is opulent in Vitamin C.

Further, Gunasekaran, based on his research, also found out that SSG is able to deal not just cancer, but also Hepatitis B, diabetes, bone fracture, and food poisoning. According to him, “Clinacanthus nutans or Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) for sure is one of the herbs which need to be included in medicinal research due to its nutritional values and various diseases curing ability.

The contained flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that are traceable in berries and herbs, like SSG. Antioxidants are able to eliminate or to eradicate the growth of cancerous cells caused by free radicals. This herb, while having other essential nutrients, minerals, and Vitamin C, is also potent to restore and rejuvenate the dynamic functions of the immune system of every human being. Hence, Sabah Snake Grass is scientifically considered as a potent anti-cancer herb.

Is The Level Of Its Toxicity Appropriate For Human Consumption?

One issue that has to be clarified behind complementary or alternative medicines is the level of herbs’ toxicity.  In the case of this herbal plant, there is another academician who devoted time for research to test whether or not Sabah Snake Grass is good for human consumption.

A student named P’ng Xiu Wen of UCSI University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia had studied about the toxicity level of SSG. She tried to find out if humans can tolerate taking this plant internally, due to its purported ability to cure cancer and other diseases. 

With the tests she did on mice and rats, the discovery was that she did not find prohibitive signs with large intake of this plant. It means that internal application of the biomedical properties of Clinacanthus nutans is not harmful to other vital organs, like kidneys and liver, where most synthetic drugs can affect.

It is clear that SSG is good for human consumption. This claim is also attested by those people who have had used this plant to remedy their health problems. In one posted article of Uncle Herbs’ official website, this is the statement: “A 45-year old woman who had suffered from Stage-2 Breast Cancer got healed after taking Sabah Snake Grass extract, with a quantity of 200 pieces of leaves daily. After two weeks, she went to her doctor and the doctor found out that her tumor cells had gone.”

Conclusion: Can Humans Rely Upon This Herb As Alternative Cancer Treatment?

It has been explained by several experts, like Dr. Linus Pauling, who conceptualized the two-word term, orthomolecular medicines, that the so-called ‘complementary medicines,’ as coined by the big pharmaceutical companies to make it literally more inferior than their allopathic medicines, is more effective and beneficial for humans to treat diseases, like cancer and the like.

There are good points to look into with respect to the reported efficacy of Sabah Snake Grass. First and foremost, it contains active and powerful antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, and Vitamin C. With these essential properties, it is clear that this herb can strengthen the resident doctor of every human body, otherwise called as the ‘immune system.’

Like what Dr. Pauling has had been trying to emphasize, secondly, treating illnesses should go deeper into their root causes, where cells and molecules are found. This is where molecular repair and cellular rejuvenation come into play. There are two important things here, detoxification and cellular nutrition. This is the reason why these revolutionary experts vehemently contest that any disease won’t come in if the human body is detoxified and the cells are all healthy.

Prevention is better than cure, as the classic saying goes. But, people are accustomed and acculturated to treating, since this is where the big business of those pharmaceutical companies is getting its big share of the trillion-dollar industry –the sickness industry. Then, people are not culturally-oriented to wait for so long with detoxification and cellular nutrition; hence, they believe that only synthetic medicines can help them, without them knowing the fact that those allopathic treatments only heal the symptoms but not the root causes.

In the end, what boils down here in this article is that people should reverse their wheel of understanding. Sabah Snake Grass is part of the more effective orthomolecular medicines, which the political economy considers as complementary medicines. Hence, SSG is an effective alternative cancer treatment.

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