Friday, March 13, 2015

Why Complementary Medicines Are Better Than Conventional Treatments?

The growth of human diseases has enormously become uncontrollable since the recent years due to inevitable factors, such as foods, lack of exercise, stress, fatigue, and so on. Science spends time and effort for researches, tests and analyses, in order to look for effective remedies and treatments for degenerative diseases, communicable and infectious diseases, and the like.

However, the available treatments are still insufficient, for there are illnesses with uncertain antidotes or medications. Two of these hard-to-resolve problems are cancer and AIDS. So, is there really a cure for these issues humans are vulnerable with? Or, is it possible to consider the other way around? Yes, it is possible, as the saying goes: “Prevention is better than cure.”

Most people are not culturally-oriented that it is better to prevent diseases than to cure them. This is a cultural fragment where the conventional medicines take its strong foundation in the medical industry. Paul Zane Pilzer, a known American economist and a sturdy advocate of Wellness Revolution, terms medical industry as ‘sickness business,’ where the large-scale pharmaceutical companies operate.

The shortcomings of the allopathic medicines, those conventionally prescribed by medical doctors, have been evident. The issue of root cause treatment is not given an utmost consideration, as those medicines are only treating the symptoms or signs of a particular disease, i.e. lung cancer. The hidden fact is that they are not able to cure the main causes why people are suffering from illnesses. They are only used to stop particular symptoms; but to further extent, they are creating more problems, otherwise known as ‘side effects.’

But, why are those synthetic or conventional medicines becoming more popular nowadays? There are 3 big reasons to consider below.
  • Large-scale corporations are able to pay brilliant-minded and popular experts to conduct researches, tests and analyses. 
  • Big pharmaceutical companies are financially able to pay for high-paid advertisements and commercials in TV, prints, and social media.
  • Political economy backs up those companies, as the state also benefits from their business.

The cited reasons are obvious, but somehow people do not know about them. The business that operates behind those pharmaceutical companies serves as the main factor why they have become more popular than those better options, like what orthomolecular or complementary medicines are providing.

As to compare by virtue of scientific facts, orthomolecular medicines, as coined by Dr. Linus Pauling in 1968, are more effective and helpful than the more popular conventional treatments, as the former is a natural way of healing, while the latter implies unnatural form of treating. As a trivial knowledge, for a particular allopathic medicine to be patented, it must be proven that such treatment is not natural in form and substance.

The Side Effects Of Conventional Medicines

Using conventional medicines, as proven by surveys and studies, bring negative side effects to the users. Some of their affirmed side effects are written below.
  •  Weakens immune system (resistance)
  •  Creates pains for the users
  • Affects other vital organs, like lungs and liver
  • Requires higher expense for the patients

So, what people should do now? Clarifying the differences between conventional and complementary medicines could be one good answer.

Differences Between Conventional And Complementary Medicines

To be precise, both of them have pros and cons. But, complementary medicines, which a term this article author considers as another politicizing tactic by the other end (the sickness business according to Pilzer), are more helpful and useful than the conventional or synthetic ones. There are three certain observations based on empirical facts why complementary or orthomolecular treatments are better than the conventional or allopathic remedies.
  • Complementary method strengthens immune system, while conventional way does not.
  • Orthomolecular medicines gradually cure the main causes which are rooted in the molecular composition of the cells, while allopathic ones do not.
  • Allopathic remedies bring other adverse side effects, which require other medicines (this is where the real business revolves in the pharmaceutical world), while orthomolecular methods do not.

The only negative implication when relying upon the more effective and helpful complementary procedures is the timeframe they would take for a particular disease to be cured. The span of time for a serious disease to be healed through orthomolecular technique is longer than what the allopathic means could take. Why? It is because of the idea that healing only the symptoms could be done in a shorter period of time, while undergoing a total recovery (rejuvenation and detoxification in a clear sense) takes time, since it goes deeper to the root causes through cellular nutrition and molecular repair.

Some Complementary Medicines To Consider

Citing some complementary medicines could be more useful for any human being in this planet to consider, as the Wellness Revolution is heading towards its full progress for the betterment of the human race. It is important to keep in mind that due to food intakes, lack of physical exercise, stress and fatigues, people are suffering from various extreme diseases. The modern lifestyles, as brought about by socio-economic and socio-political transitions, serve as the main culprit why human health suffers. Hence, health and wellness is the newly-revolutionized advocacy of the 21st century.

Mentioned below are 5 orthomolecular medicines people should consider.
  • Sabah Snake Grass or Clinacanthus nutans (It contains a powerful antioxidant, known as flavonoid, to eliminate free radicals that cause cancer).
  • Green Barley (It is abundant in Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Chlorphyll, which are beneficial for people to repair damaged cells.)
  • Moringa oliefera (It contains numerous nutrients and antioxidants, able to cure the root causes of serious diseases, like cancer.)
  • Garviola (It contains annonaceous acetogenins, a compound essential to stop the proliferation of cancerous cells and to protect the healthy ones).
  • Momordica charantia (It contains nutrients, vitamins and minerals the human body needs, in order to regulate blood sugar and to treat Type-2 diabetes. 

These are just 5 of so many effective health remedies. The health and wellness world is now encompassing the entire gamut of orthomolecular treatments people should utilize, in order to stay healthy and to live a happy life.

Natural Treatments Are Really Better: A Conclusive Thought

Talking about human health is a discussion that reflects on the entire scope of human life. The world has already transcended into different phases, from agricultural revolution, to industrial revolution, to information revolution, and now to a new phase, which is ‘wellness revolution.’ Along this line, there is a need for the human race to understand why it is more beneficial to rely upon the natural treatments, rather than staying on the side of conventional medicines that exist for more than 100 years in this world. The only thing that people should think is that the orthomolecular (complementary) medicines heal the root causes, which the synthetic or conventional ones are unable to do. One more thing, it is important to change lifestyles that reflect on food intakes, regular physical activities, and the avoidance of stress and fatigue. 

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